
FoxFarm Happy Frog Soil Conditioner, 1.5 cu ft

by: FoxFarm

FoxFarm Happy Frog Soil Conditioner is a finely-screened soil amendment packed with essential nutrients and beneficial soil microbes. Happy Frog Soil Conditioner contains aged forest products, earthworm castings, bat guano, as well as mycorrhizae and humic acids. Mycorrhizae promotes vigorous, healthy root growth and efficiency, while humic acid encourages micronutrient uptake, and together they allow plants to thrive! Add FoxFarm Happy Frog Soil Conditioner to revitalize old in-ground and container soil or rejuvenate already established plants.

Key Features

  • Ideal for both in-ground and container planting
  • Improves aeration and texture in dense, compacted soils
  • Contains beneficial soil microbes to stimulate root growth
  • Contains humic acid to encourage micronutrient uptake


pH-Balanced Forest Humus, Earthworm Castings, Bat Guano, Beneficial Microbes and Humic Acid.


SKU: 100169249